National Notary Association Certified
Why You Should Outsource your Notary Signing Agent
Contracting services you only use occasionally – or even those you use regularly – can help reduce your costs and improve your bottom line. Your notary signing agent needs are no exception. A mobile notary service allows you the convenience and flexibility of an in-house team without the high overhead or downtime that comes along with dedicated staffers. The administrative costs alone can be overwhelming and cut into your bottom line when you try to handle everything in-house.
Lowered Costs
With a mobile notary, you pay for the services you use, without an ongoing fee or salary required. Contrast this with the cost of creating, staffing and training an in-house notary signing agent and you’ll rapidly see just how much you can save on your services. A mobile notary service is a specialist, so you can be sure that all of your documents and files are handled with care by someone who has been professionally trained, and is up to date on the latest certifications and procedures.
Convenience and Flexibility
The convenience and flexibility of mobile notary services allow you to focus on the big picture and more effectively meet your client’s needs. You don’t have to worry about prioritizing your requests, or that one client’s needs will surpass an-other’s. A mobile notary business can accommodate all of your needs on your timeline, so you don’t have to worry about an in-house department becoming backed up or overwhelmed.
Using a mobile notary service allows you to get documents completed when you need them, not when your team can get to them. A certified signing agent offers prompt response to your needs and a quick turnaround, and you never have to leave your office. Twenty-four hour, seven days a week convenience is a must in today’s fast-paced business climate, and a mo-bile notary ensures you can promptly meet your client’s needs whenever the services of a notary signing agent are required.
To learn more about how a mobile certified signing agent service can help your business save both money and time on your legal documents, contact us. There’s no obligation, and you’ll quickly find out why Lisa with Ready Signing & Closing Services should be your Certified Notary Signing Agent.